About Hash House Harriers
The Original "Hash House"
The 'Hash House' was the mildly derogatory nick name give (for its unimaginative, monotonous food) to the Selangor Club Chambers, by the British Civil Servants and businessman who lived and dined there.
Hash House Harriers (abbrieviated to HHH, H3 or simpley referred to as Hash or Hashing) is an international group of non competitive running and social club.
Yass Hash House Harriers (YH3), was whipped into life by Suzie 'Dominatrix' Reeks, who's mother Hash was WACTH3.
The first run was from Ford St, Yass, with 20 willing 'virgins'. This now 'Hash House' is the 'Sacred Site' for all General Meetings (Annual General Piss Up - AGPU) and will be until circumstances change.
The idea for a Hash in Yass came about on Tassie Nash Hash (2011) whilst partaking in the local fermented apple juice (commonly known as cider) with Caz ‘Toesucker’ Vincent the then GM of WACT, whilst waiting for the Ball Breaker R#n Hashers to finish breaking any balls they had. Dominatrix who had recently moved from Canberra to Yass, a place graced with a lot of wineries but god forbid without a kennel to r#n with. So a few more ciders were consumed and then sin of all sins and worthy of a charge at the next Nash Hash, they ran out!!!!!!! of ciders. However, the plan was given the blessing to start a Friday Hash in Yass. Friday being the day at the end of the week, so sleepovers were allowed as they were not next to school/work days. We at least had two Hashers.
YH3 would run on every 3rd and 5th Friday of the month ( however are now run on and ad hoc/popup hash basis due to a very slack pack of hounds), taking into account any other weekend Hashing event. – Happy to be considered as a Pre-Lube to any event.
· The runs would start at 6:30pm – ish (allowing for the slack Canberra hounds to arrive)
· Should have at least one drink stop.
· Hash nosh (grub/food) available later, to help soak up the "nectar of the gods".
· A token cost of AUD$3 would be collected entitling each Hasher to nosh.
· The GM will be elected democratically (i.e. press ganged) for a 1 year term at every General Meeting. They in turn are to select their committee of Religious Advisor, Trail Master, Hash Cash, Hash Haberdash, Hash Pyro and Hash bucket.
· The AGPU will be held every two years with new Officials elected every 2nd AGPU, at the Yass Hash sacred site.
· And that's was enough for any Hasher to remember!